Saturday, September 09, 2006

Freedom Flicks: "The Path to 9/11" - Hollywood Movies Actually Supporting America, episode 9/9/06

Dear Readers,

As you are probably aware, ABC (The Anti-American Broadcasting Commies) will be running a two-part movie tomorrow night and Monday that documents the events leading up to the 9/11 tragedy. "The Path to 9/11" is being billed as a docudrama based on the 9/11 Commission Report, but even with these disclaimers, the west-coast, liberal elite fact mongerers have found a reason to bitch and moan about this movie. Is anyone actually shocked? Not I, Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.

They first point to the fact that the movie contains a number of scenes that directly contradict events in the 9/11 Commission Report. Folks, the 9/11 Commission Report was written by a bunch of libs who aimed to relieve the Clinton Administration of their culpability for 9/11. Secondly, the billing for this movie notes that it is a "docudrama" and that it's only "based" on the report - so all viewers are forewarned that they may have taken some creative licenses here. Naturally, this isn't enough to pacify the west-coast, liberal elite.

Next, they like to point out that the director is an avowed, far-right conservative. Apparently, this is bad, even though Hollywood is dominated by far-left libs and you wouldn't hear a peep if this movie solely blamed the Bush Administration. Supposedly, a far-right director with ties to a group that vowed to take over Hollywood and instill conservative values is a bad thing and is supposed to lead to some bias.

In addition, the west-coast, liberal elite like to claim hypocrisy when conservatives make fun of their protesting of this movie, in light of CBS' yanking of the Reagan miniseries several years ago in response to conservative protests. What the libs don't consider is that the mainstream media is dominated by liberals - liberals, liberals everywhere! All that conservatives can do is protest. If liberals decide to show a movie critical of Clinton, then it must be accurate - even if written and directed by a conservative.

Look folks, the jury is still out on 9/11. But we're at war right now, and we need to support the President and our troops. We're fighting them there so we don't have to fight them here. Blaming the Bush Administration would embolden the enemy, but no harm can come from blaming the Clinton Admin. It's a no-brainer, unless you've forgotten the lessons of 9/11.

In their typical way, the west-coast, liberal elite, conspiracy theorists have been protesting to Disney for days. The Clintonistas claim the terrorists, and not an American Administration, are responsible for 9/11, and that the imaginative scenes in the movie should be removed. Some conservative commentators have joined them, and I, Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq., am ashamed of them. Leave it to 9/11 discussion to bring out the hate-Bush-first and hate-America-first crowds.

Dear readers, don't miss this movie. After it's over, write to Bill Clinton, Madeline Albright, and Sandy Berger and ask them why they hate America.

"Path to 9/11" protestors, why do you hate America, our troops, and the heroes killed on 9/11?

-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.


Blogger Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq. said...

I saw that several days ago - don't think for a second I'd miss Brit! Leave it to the west-coast, liberal elite to find some way to refute what they claim to be inaccuracies - inaccuracices also noted by many conservatives now...

After I first saw the report, I went to that evil site. Apparently, only 30 or so people had discussed this, yet Brit made it seem like it was thousands. Unfortunately, I feel Brit may have emboldened these terrorists the same way they embolden Al Qaeda. We're fighting them there so we don't have to fight them here.

But thank you for mentioning this, and keep fighting those people fighting to clear up inaccuracies over at DU! Come back as often as you'd like!

-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.

9:45 PM  

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