Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thursdays with Theodore, Episode 10/18/07

Dear Readers,

Welcome to another exciting episode of "Thursdays with Theodore!" To the mail sack . . .

Copernicus writes:

Dear Mr. Trumblebunks, I, Esq.,

What do you think of Congress' inability to override President Bush's veto of the SCHIP bill?


Copernicus, thank you for your timely question. This is a great move by those Republicans who supported the President's position and prevented the House from reaching the requisite number of votes needed to override the veto. This was a terrible piece of legislation that, even though it would have helped numerous children, could potentially have helped an illegal immigrant. Good riddance to such a terrible idea. Thank you, W, and the brave Republican minority in the House, for sticking to your guns and not listening to the 80% of Americans who wanted this bill to pass!

Dear readers, thank you for loving America!

-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.

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