Friday, May 18, 2007

Seriously? This guy? Ron Paul? For real?

Dear Readers,

Our old friend, Jack X, is a big Ron Paul supporter. Unfortunately, Ron Paul hates America. He would rather that we have to fight them here than fight them over there. He doesn't realize that they hate us for our freedoms.

Check this out:

This is supposedly a Republican, yet he's against the war! This is just another member of the west-coast, liberal elite, in sheep's clothing. What a misguided soul.

As our divinely-inspired President and, especially, our cheerful Vice President would say, opposition to the war is unpatriotic. Ron Paul, why do you hate America?

-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.

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Blogger genetrosper said...

I trust what you write is sarcasm...very funny sarcasm at that. I mean, not many people seriously believe that fighting a war which we had no basis to begin, which has killed over 3,000 brave soldiers and may be inviting potential terrorist attacks is "patriotic". It would logically be called "unpatriotic" and anti-American.

Your sense of humor is hilarious!

But for those wayward sould who actually think you're serious, let me point them to the 9-11 Commission Report's executive summary, which states:

"In February 1998, Usama Bin Ladin and four others issued a self-styled fatwa, publicly declaring that it was God's decree that every Muslim should try his utmost to kill any American, military or civilian, anywhere in the world, because of American "occupation" of Islam's holy places and aggression against Muslims."

7:50 PM  
Blogger Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq. said...


Welcome! Feel free to stop by and comment often!

I appreciate the civility of your comment, and there's a lot of positives about Mr. Paul. But over here, I, Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq., am a little bit about supportin' our troops, and supportin' our divinely-inspired President! I prefer that we fight them there rather than fight them here. Freedom isn't free. These colors don't run. Have you forgotten 9/11?

Again, though, welcome!

-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.

9:17 PM  

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