Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Round Two

Dear Readers,

I, Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq., hope that you and your families had a wonderful Christmas. Together, Teddy's Troopers and I fought the seculofascists and helped to turn the tide in their war to take Christ out of Christmas, and I thank each and every one of you for this. Predictably, though, the seculofascists have turned their west-coast, liberal elite, liberal focus to a new target: New Year's.

You see, dear readers, New Year's is a celebration of the turn of the calendar. While I'm no papist, we must recall that back when the Gregorian calendar was invented, Catholicism was the primary game in town in turns of Christianity. Because of its religious heritage, the west-coast, liberal elite are out to end the celebration of the New Year. And who's to stop them? That's right: old Teddy and Teddy's troopers.

Dear Readers, when you hear the ACLU and their followers advocating an end to New Year's Eve and New Year's celebrations over the next few days due to the religious undertones of the New Year, stand up to them. Remind them that this is a nation built on Christianity. Only we can stop these secular progressives, and stop them we will!

Teddy's troopers, please notify me if you find a business refusing to celebrate the New Year. We'll get a new boycott list going to make sure these heathens recognize that our Christian nation must be saved and not surrendered to the terrorists.

Dear readers, thank you for loving America!

-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Ted,

Hope your Christmas was very well. My wishes to you in this new year; however, I am the bearer of bad news now, something you may want to eulogize in an upcoming blog.


There's an example of a very underrated president, especially in modern history. Let's salute the late first Eagle Scout President!

12:26 AM  
Blogger Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq. said...

Jack X,

Thank you, and I hope your Christmas was great as well.

My condolences go out to the Ford family tonight. But before we lionize him too much, Jack, do note that Nancy Reagan commented on President Ford's death by mentioning what a staunch supporter of stem cell research he had become. You do realize that these stem cell wackos want to rip babies out of women and chop them up with a swiss army knife, right?

While President Ford certainly deserves a lot of credit for pardoning someone who was willing to stand up to that pesky Constitution when it didn't fit his needs, like my hero Richard Nixon, let us not get carried away in once again building a greater legacy upon someone's passing, as we as a society all too often do. Again, though, condolences to the family, and may President Ford rest in peace.

-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.

11:20 PM  

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