Saturday, December 02, 2006

Forced to Applaud the Papists Yet Again...

Dear Readers,

The papists are slightly growing on me. Two conservative Italian lawmakers (they're papists, but conservatives, so not too bad) have called for a boycott of IKEA because IKEA doesn't sell Nativity scenes. The War Against Christmas has spread around the world, dear readers, but brave conservatives are fighting battles that really matter, such as a boycott of IKEA. Never mind that IKEA, a Swedish company, simply doesn't sell these items, as it's not a Swedish custom to display Nativity scenes. By refusing to specially sell them in Italy, they have shown an ACLU-esque hatred of God. So, to these conservative papist senators, fighting the good fight, I tip my red, white, and blue cap.

Dear readers, this is part of the larger seculofascist fight for a pro-atheist and pagan world. They don't just want to remove Christianity from the public sphere; they wish to eliminate it altogether. Have no fear though, dear readers. While they were strong, we are stronger, and with old Teddy at the helm, this is a battle we will not lose!

Conservative Italian lawmakers calling for a boycott of IKEA, thank you for loving Jesus and America!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

One thing that is so ironic with this "War on Christmas" is that the alternative greeting is "Happy Holidays." How many of these liberal losers with nothing else to do know that the word "holiday" is just a slang term for "Holy Day?" Their "war" comes to a complete circle.

11:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Theodore! How do you like these apples? Legend has it that the Christmas tradition in Japan (let me finish) started with one slightly confused department store in Tokyo displaying posters of Santa on the cross.

9:46 AM  
Blogger Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq. said...

Anonymous, you're so right! And don't they realize that "Seasons Greetings" refers to religious seasons? If they stopped wasting their time trying to make everybody happy, and just focused on making Christians happy and others angry, since Christians are the majority here in the U.S. of A., think of how much better off we would be. The happy majority could crush the pissed off minority! And I think that's what the 1st Amendment's religion clauses go to - crushing the minority.

-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.

7:48 PM  
Blogger Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq. said...


Good to hear from you, and thank you for this insight. Sounds like the Japanese tradition is one where the ends justifies the means. The meaning of Christmas is, after all, for commercial retailers to make a buck off of the religious - God wants to make sure the free market works, after all. If a store doesn't wish me a "Merry Christmas" when I pick up a case of motor oil and a stick of beef jerky, they're going to hear from old Teddy!

-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.

7:53 PM  

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