Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Et tu, Rum-e?

Dear Readers,

Recently, the New York Times revealed that the day before the election, former Secretary of Defense (and personal hero of mine) Donald Rumsfeld wrote a memo to our divinely-inspired President just before the November elections that said that things weren't going as swimmingly as previously thought in Iraq. Supposedly, Rummy said that we need some course correction. Supposedly, this article makes it look like only our divinely-inspired President is left stubbornly sticking to the original plan. Supposedly, the west-coast, liberal elite, liberal media types at the Times think real Americans believe them.

You see, dear readers, these liberals want to give the appearance of discord in the White House. They want to show W as some childish buffoon holding his breath and digging in his heels. We all know, though, that this isn't even close to true. He's The Decider, and when he makes his mind up, he's going to follow through, no matter what evidence becomes available to suggest he should do otherwise. That's called courage, and I, Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq., will take courage any day of the week over wisdom.

Tricky liberal media, why do you hate America?

-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.


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