Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Leave it to the Lying Libs

Dear Readers,

I, Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq., am enraged. As mentioned last night, the Bush Administration has in no way whatsoever flip-flopped on their Iraq policy. Leave it to that commie group, the DNC, to say otherwise, and insert lies in the mouths of W and others in the Bush administration. Take a look:

It's obvious what happened here. Liberal computer-geeks photoshopped all of these instances of the Bush officials stating that "stay the course" was their policy. Our divinely-inspired President has said it was never the policy, and as a man of God, he must be trusted. Never mind the exquisite production values of this video or the powerful message - it's all a bunch of photoshopped lies!

DNC photoshoppers, why do you hate America?

-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.


Blogger Franklin Willington said...

Hey Teddy, you probably thought you'd gotten rid of me.

The president has clearly stated over and over again that his policy was to stay the course. Now his own people are setting timetables. What is it Mr. Trumblebunks? Why do the top generals on the ground in Iraq want to Cut and Run next year?

3:18 PM  

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