Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Staying the Course - To Victory!

Dear Readers,

The west-coast, liberal elite is in quite a tizzy. This week, our divinely-inspired President and his administration announced that "stay the course" will no longer be their slogan for the Iraq War. The pro-cut-and-run liberal crowd see this as W admitting his policies have failed and that change of some sort is needed. Dear readers, nothing could be further from the truth.

You see, as The Man Himself explained: "Stay the course is about a quarter right. Stay the course means keep doing what you're doing. My attitude is, don't do what you're doing if it's not working -- change." You see, we're staying the course, even if we don't call it that any longer. But "stay the course" is inherently flexible - just as the language suggests. Naturally, though, the west-coast, liberal elite, dictionary mongerers want to twist those words to make the President look bad.

We're going to stay the course. If we need to adapt, we'll change to a better course and we'll stay that course. We'll keep staying new courses until we win. But we won't cut and run, no matter how loudly all of the liberals are yelling for it.

Liberal cut-and-runners, why do you hate America?

-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, how many times have you seen slogans being used for very long periods of time? Sometimes, changing a slogan is good, sometimes bad. Personally, "it's a good time, for a great taste" was a far superior slogan to McDonalds than that ghetto "I'm lovin' it" crap they have been sporting for the past 3 years. I guess that's an example of a slogan changing for the worse.

Also, I think "be all you can be" was a good slogan for the Army--the "Go army" "help them find their strength" (which makes them sound weak and broken) or "an Army of one" or whatever slogan they are using now is so...unpredictable and...unguided. When they had "be all you can be," it made it sound like each person can go into the forces and maximize his strength. Now the new slogans make the army sound like a football team.

What was I talking about? Ahh, forget it.

10:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a left-wing teacher who once told someone "take things when they come as they come and let them be. Don't try to take matters into your own hands unless you really know what you're doing." Just doesn't sound right, eh?

10:16 PM  
Blogger Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq. said...

Indeed. When John Murtha reassessed his position, he flip-flopped. When the Bush administration does it, it shows wisdom and merely a change in slogan, because real Americans like our divinely-inspired President want to keep America safe!

W, thank you for not flip-flopping!

-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.

6:46 PM  

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