Thursday, October 19, 2006

Thursdays with Theodore, episode 10/19/06

Dear Readers,

Welcome to this week's edition of "Thursdays with Theodore!" Let's open that mail bag:

Jack X writes:

Who do you think are some of the best First Ladies and some of the worst First Ladies in American history?

Jack X

Jack X, that's a great question, but pretty easy to answer. The best are easily Barbara and Laura Bush, as they've understood that First Ladies are to be seen but not heard. First Ladies are most effective when they smile a botox smile, not when they're engaging in policy.

Speaking of engaging in policy, the worst first ladies are easily Hillary Clinton and Eleanor Roosevelt. As far as I know, we elected their husbands, right?!? What were these fools doing delving in law-making? Perhaps they should have taken a cue from Babs and Laura (well, except that for Eleanor, she preceded them by 6 or 7 decades), but then they would have understood the proper role of the First Lady.

I hope that has answered your question, Jack X.

Dear readers, thank you for loving America!

-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I am personally fond of the Mrs. Bushes. My mother liked how Barbara Bush was very "down to earth" during her husband's term and didn't let the fact that her husband was commander in chief give her an excuse to be power hungry. Of course, Hillary is power hungry, using her husband's name as her cue to accrue her power. If someone needs to be stopped, it has to be Mrs. Clinton.

On another note, my mother also liked Rosiland Carter as a first lady. No, she did not care for her husband as president, but she did like Mrs. Carter. My mother also didn't like Nancy Reagan as first lady either.

8:20 PM  
Blogger Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq. said...

Indeed. These women should be seen, and not heard - they shouldn't be a bunch of shrieking harpies like Hillary!

-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.

6:44 PM  

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