Friday, July 07, 2006

You da Man, Ann!

Dear Readers,

Ann Coulter's Godless: The Church of Liberalism is the fourth-greatest work ever published, behind only The Bible, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution (when read in a strict-constructionist manner). Ann really hits the west-coast, liberal elite where it hurts. For example, one of her most salient points comes when she posits Alger Hiss as a saint in the "church" of liberalism. I, Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq. went up to a liberal friend of mine after reading this and asked him why he and his fellow commies worship Hiss so much, and he looked at me and asked, "Who the hell is Alger Hiss?" Just like a lying liberal to show the shame of denial. Boy, Ann, the truth really hurts them!

Well, lately, Ann has come under attack for charges of plagiarism. Man, Ann, they'll attack you for anything, won't they? Well, these west-coast, liberal elite plagiarism mongerers charge that Ann has lifted passages of up to 48 words from other sources without properly attributing them. Of all of the examples they use, they show, though, that she changed at least one word in the string. Dear readers, if it's different than the original, it can't be plagiarism, right? Exactly.

In the past few days, that most liberal of rags, the New York Post, has lobbed the plagiarism charge at Ann. In a most effective rebuttal, Ann exclaimed: "Once considered a legitimate daily, the Post has been reduced to tabloid status . . . Let me put it this way: It's New York's second-crappiest paper." Way to go, Ann! When the accusations are so obviously ridiculous, don't even waste your time attacking the message; just go straight to undermining the messenger! Ann has been so effective that Old Teddy wants to honor her with a rousing round of, "For she's a jolly good fellow" at his local bar. I'll take care of that tonight.

Dear readers, ignore these ridiculous charges and buy this excellent book. You know it's a good book when the publisher slashes the price 70% right before its release and it is currently being sold in some places for $4.99 . . . it really shows Ann's love for her readers and her desire to save them some money and make it easier for her fans to buy her work. Rush out and buy 2 copies right now!

Ann Coulter, oh man, thank you for loving America!

-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

she's a total cunt

12:32 AM  
Blogger Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq. said...

Leave it to the classless, Godless, west-coast, liberal elite, to provide an insult that is little more than name-calling!

Why do you hate America?

-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.

12:47 AM  

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