Friday, July 14, 2006

"A New Direction" - yeah, backwards!

Dear Readers,

I, Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq., am enraged. Like other real Americans, I'm being witty and saying that the Democrats' new campaign, "A New Direction for America," shows the direction they want the country to move in - backwards! Isn't that clever?

More importantly, however, is the commercial that these west-coast, liberal elite Democrats recently came out with, where for 1-2 seconds they show an image of flag-draped coffins of our fallen heroes. Have these liberals no shame? Why are they trying to profit off of the sacrifices of these heroes? Why did they feel the need to do the liberal media's job for them?

Now, these west-coast, liberal elite hypocrisy mongerers like to ask how the Republicans (i.e., true Americans) dare question them on this, as the Republicans have been running on 9/11 since that tragedy occurred. More importantly, they point to Republican commercials during the '04 campaign that used the image of a flag-covered body removed from the WTC. And then they dare ask how Republicans dare question them on this, despite having made these commercials.

Dear readers, take it from me, Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq., the two situations are nothing alike! The Republicans are executing the war on terror, and the Democrats want to cut and run and flip-flop and tax and spend or something like that. As you can see, the Democrats want to profit from tragedy, but the Republicans simply use these images as somber reminders to show what a threat the hate-America-first Democratic party is to our great country. And no, these Democrats have no shame.

DCCC, why do you hate America?

-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.


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