Monday, April 07, 2008

So Stupid, They Don't Even Know Who They Support!

Dear Readers,

By now, you no doubt recognize the inherent contradictions and stupidity of the west-coast, liberal elite. Well, now they've one-upped themselves. Today, in San Francisco, a number of these hippies protested the upcoming Olympic Games in China. Earlier in the day, a number of these hippies in France actually caused the Olympic torch to be extinguished - twice.

What is odd about this? The commie-loving liberals in San Francisco and France are protesting their Commie buddies in China! Do they not recognize how beautifully ironic all of this is? Obviously not.

Liberalism is a failed theory. Now, as they fight amongst themselves, they'll rid the world forever of this scourge. Good riddance!

Dear dumb hippies, thank you for loving America by destroying yourselves!

-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, I go five days without checking if Teddy Trumblebunks wrote a new blog or not, and you happened to do so. Welcome back!
Jack X

10:14 PM  

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