Sunday, July 15, 2007

Another Surrender-Crat

Dear Readers,

As you all know, the Democrats have been committing treason ever since our Glorious War to Liberate Iraq and Spread Democracy Throughout the Middle East Began in 2003. Nothing new there. Recently, some "Republicans" have joined them, suggesting that our Divinely-inspired President needs to change paths. Well, now we've got one from a new source - Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.

Dear readers, how ungrateful can this man be? We've been doing nothing but improving his country by ensuring there are no WMD's and planting the seeds of democracy. But now, he's said that American troops can depart his country "anytime they want." Can you believe this? What a slap in the face to W!

Folks, there's only one possible response - we must step up our efforts in Iraq. We must show al-Maliki that we mean business, and he's no more powerful than the 70% of Americans who want us out of Iraq. Full steam ahead folks - time to "surge"!

Nuri al-Maliki, why do you hate America?

-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jack X has done an exploratory and historical search to learn the roots of everything, including the Republican Party.

He has learned that the neoconservative movement that has hijacked the Party as of late is a new one, one that looks more to Abraham Lincoln and even Lyndon Johnson as heroes and mentors than Barry Goldwater or possibly Ronald Reagan.

The "war" will go on as long as the lowest class remains the lowest class and the profiteers continue to rack in profits (Cheney & Halliburton and company) and as long as the "scare tactics" work; of course, the "scare tactics" are starting to finally die out.

I hate to say it, but I think each party has good times and bad times. Herbert Hoover seemed to kill the Republicans for quite a long period until LBJ messed up with Vietnam, which killed the Democrats. Nixon screwed up with Watergate only to give Jimmy Carter a very unimpressive and embarrassing presidential term, which killed the Democrats again. I personally think that W & Co. is going to be the death of the "Republican Party" until the "Democrats" screw up again (of course, this coma might be very temporary as the Democrats elected to Congress seem to be failing with their pledges to their people). I personally hate the neoconservative movement; I was always taught that liberals are no good, I not believe neocons are no better. I guess that leaves only paleocons and some spare reclusive groups.

Plus, it's amazing how the withdraw supporters are starting to include more with "expert authority," first being the Focus Group of last year and now Prime Minister al-Maliki. Of course, I doubt Bush and company will listen as they are busy racking in profits from augmented gas prices and money from Iraq. Man, this country is in bad shape. I hope no second revolution is needed to try and correct things or a second Civil War or anything.

Yours in anger,
Jack X

11:51 AM  
Blogger Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq. said...

Jack X,

How'd the surgery go?

And keep in mind - it's not just a good time to be a Republican, it's a GREAT time to be a Republican!

-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.

11:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The surgery went ok. From the looks of my previous post, it seems like I should refrain from computing when on painkillers and sleep medication. Oh, dear, I hope I didn't post any other sarcastic stuff on any other blogs or message boards. Who knows? I could have written some rather vituperative stuff. Man, well, I'm back in the loop. When I'm not on pain medication, I'll come up with some more sane questions.

Jack X

PS. Assuming I was not out of it or was dreaming it, I read somewhere that in the past quarter, Ron Paul raked in more campaign donations than John McCain. Sounds like it's remotely possible, and if it's true, it's quite miraculous that an unpopular "Black Sheep" Republican received more monetary support than one who has been among the perennial favorites. I would donate, but I'm a poor college student with no money, very little to spread around outside of basic needs.

10:31 PM  

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