Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Profiles in Courage

Dear Readers,

Today, the Republicans effectively filibustered a vote on the non-binding resolution denouncing our divinely-inspired President's plan to surge toward victory in Iraq with 21,000 more troops! What courage, what resolve! More impressive, even, is that two senators involved in crafting the resolution, Senators Warner and Hagel, voted against discussing their own resolution. Why, you ask? For love of the glorious Republican Party!

Last week, they believed in this so much that they wrote a resolution denouncing the plan of the President of their own party. Today, they decided sticking with the party is more important than their own convictions.

Senators Warner and Hagel, profiles in courage! Thank you for loving America!

-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's always interesting when the authors and cosponsors vote against their own bills. You wonder...why the hell did they even write them in the first place??

8:20 AM  
Blogger Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq. said...

For the glory of the Grand Old Party! That's why they decided not to debate something they wrote based on their convictions!

-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.

10:48 PM  

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