Wednesday, January 17, 2007

They're Dropping Like Flies

Dear Readers,

We've all come to expect the Defeatocrats to be the party of retreat and defeat. That comes as no surprise. What causes some shock is the fact that, today, these terrorist-coddlers have been joined by a number of Republicans, including Senators Hagel and Snowe and up to 60 Representatives, in opposing the upcoming surge in troop levels. Together with the appeasofascists, they have the gall not to fully support our divinely-inspired President in the War on Terror.

These Republican turncoats also have the nerve to say the Constitution requires them to oppose W. They say that the majority of Americans oppose the war, and that they are required to listen to their constituents. These Constitution-huggers would rather listen to uneducated liberals than to carry out their duty to keep us from being attacked again. These Republican traitors have forgotten the lessons of 9/11.

I, Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq., say forget about these terrorist-appeasers. Let them show their true colors and become Democrats. There's no room for moderation in the Republican Party. I don't care if this gives the Dems an even bigger majority. We need to return to a party of principled men; I long for the days of Tom DeLay, Mark Foley, Duke Cunningham, and Dennis Hastert.

Moderate Republican terrorism-lovers, why do you hate America?

-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya, I'm not a big centrist-moderate fan, either. I find them to be very...undecided, like they are too cowardly to take one side or another, which is why I'm not the biggest John McCain fan. I also find Chuck Hagel to be a very self-hating Republican--I wonder if the Democrats will tap him to speak at their convention like the Republicans got Zell Miller in 2004. I mean, there should be liberal or conservative and maybe some offbeat views, like Libertarian or Green or Prohibitionist or Communist for fun. I see the moderates as standing in the middle at a huge junction but scared to go down one road or another.

Anyway, question for the week...

Now that Barack Obama is in the running, do you think he would have a good chance at winning the primaries? I mean, do you think he could and should outdo Mrs. Clinton?

I mean, personally, I'd see almost anyone running against Hillary in the Democrats as the "lesser evil," but that's just me. Republicans are another story--we can wait and see who will carry the elephant torch later.

Jack X

10:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another question...

On the fifth anniversary of 9/11, CSPAN (and probably a few other networks) ran a video of various members of Congress singing the "National Anthem" led by Hastert. To me, it sounded like Mr. Hastert had a little trouble remembering the words to a song almost every American can and should know. What is your take on it?

In case you have not seen the video, here is a link:

Jack X

10:27 PM  

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