A Christian and a Patriot
Dear Readers,
Yesterday, as old Teddy was being driven to the airport, a beautiful sight crossed my eyes. An old man and his wife were driving along next to us in a white, slightly beat-up Dodge Ram with a camper. Across the tailgate, this patriot had glued a large printing of the Ten Commandments. On the bug shield up front, he expressed his love for Jesus. Around the truck, he had more expressions of his Christianity.
More importantly, perhaps, on the back window, he had a large red circle with a slash through it. Behind this, he taped a big sign, on which he wrote by hand the name "Hillary." Talk about an American! He loves God and realizes the threat that that Commie Hillary poses! This man is a Teddy Trooper.
Old Teddy knows that the masses are hearing the word. And that's why we keep rolling on!
Dear man on the white Dodge Ram, thank you for loving America!
-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.
Yesterday, as old Teddy was being driven to the airport, a beautiful sight crossed my eyes. An old man and his wife were driving along next to us in a white, slightly beat-up Dodge Ram with a camper. Across the tailgate, this patriot had glued a large printing of the Ten Commandments. On the bug shield up front, he expressed his love for Jesus. Around the truck, he had more expressions of his Christianity.
More importantly, perhaps, on the back window, he had a large red circle with a slash through it. Behind this, he taped a big sign, on which he wrote by hand the name "Hillary." Talk about an American! He loves God and realizes the threat that that Commie Hillary poses! This man is a Teddy Trooper.
Old Teddy knows that the masses are hearing the word. And that's why we keep rolling on!
Dear man on the white Dodge Ram, thank you for loving America!
-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.
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